RELEASE: Texas Parent PAC Endorses Collier


Austin, TX — TODAY, Lt. Governor Nominee, Mike Collier formally accepted the endorsement of Texas Parent PAC. In a press conference this afternoon, Parent PAC board member, Dinah Miller expressed why Collier has received their support.

Per Miller, “Texas Parent PAC is delighted to endorse Mike Collier for Lt. Governor. Collier is a leader who will provide Texas children with top-notch public schools in every neighborhood and in every city and town in Texas. The incumbent, Dan Patrick, rules the Texas Senate with an iron fist to promote his personal agenda. Patrick stops good education legislation and pushes to passage bills that would harm our schools.”

Per Collier, “I am so proud to have been endorsed by Texas Parent PAC. Education is not a partisan issue. This is about our future and our children. I am pleased to be working with Parent PAC because we need to be taking care of teachers, both current and retired. We also need to address class size and special education funding, and having Parent PAC’s support will go a long way toward achieving these goals.”

Video of the press conference has been posted on the Collier Facebook page and can be viewed here (

Collier also put out a video statement that can be viewed here or by going to the campaign’s Youtube page (

-Dan Patrick was nowhere to be found when the TRS board raised health insurance premiums for active educators by as much as 9.5 percent, depending on their plan
-As Senate leader for the past four years, Dan has done nothing to assauge educators’ pleas to raise the state contribution to their health insurance premiums above the $75 a month that the state hasn’t changed since 2002 (Austin American-Statesman)
-TRS-Care faces a projected shortfall of at least $400 million by the end of 2021 (Houston Chronicle)